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Chairperson Comments Pat Donahue passed out a package of information including: By-laws of the Salem Council on Aging, Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Salem Council on Aging Transportation Service Policy, Standards of Independence and Behavior at Salem Senior Center, Emergency Preparedness Plan (Name had to be changed), Guidelines for Employees and Volunteers, Guide for Board Members Report of THE DIRECTOR: Rosalia reported on the recent office cleanup. The service information to date was reviewed. We serve 435 individuals aged 65 to 69, the highest age category served and 274 members over 85 years of age. The Senior Center served approximately 2,176 for the year. It is possible more have been served because not everyone checks in on the My Senior Center kiosk system, 1487 Females to 539 Males are served. Most senior served do not live alone. There is someone connected to them either spouse of family, etc. Abigail Butts volunteered to assist looking at the My Senior Center system on Salem reports. Suggestions from Board members to improve check in statistics: Relocate the check in kiosk; Put up Stop signs with a reminder to check in. Place them in the function hall, upstairs, and give to everyone that runs a program Stop signage; instructors/leaders to remind their participants to check in; Make sure everyone has a card to swipe into the system. Copies of the data reports are attached. Board members discussed having local markets sponsor cloth shopping bags for seniors, Pat Donahue volunteered to help. Mission/Vision/ Goals Board members responded to a questionnaire resulting in the following responses. How do you know about the Senior Center? Responses: Live in Salem, From the Newspaper, through parks and recreation How have you been involved in/with the Senior Center? If yes, how? Responses: On the board, had an office at SC, taught classes and did healing work, Golden Tones, photography class. What is your opinion of the Senior Center? The content is high standards and quality. Building is falling apart. Proud of the senior center not the building, staff is very professional, programs are good quality; The people that come from Parks & Recreation enjoy what they are doing here. Negative are conflicts with elder seniors they feel they own the place; there needs to be a discussion about the differentiation between the Park & Recreation and the Senior Services. the age difference should be seamless. Have you had a negative experience with the senior center? If yes, please describe. A board member observed a new was treated rudely and the member never saw the person return to the senior center; the variety show started to charge admission and people were turned away because they had not bought tickets in advance and food was being served. There was plenty of food but people were turned away because they did not buy a ticket. If you were in charge, what actions would you take to improve programming? What needs improvement? Not representative of the city the demographic distribution with people living alone, the Latino community. Need to get the numbers lining up so the center is offering something for everyone; Need to encourage younger seniors with the types of programs that appeal to them; Encourage more men to come; The younger seniors want wine and cheese. A cultural lecture for example; Open later How does the community view the Senior Center? What does the community need from the new Jean Lvesque Community Life Center? View it as a contentious issue; Old for old people; They dont know what it is. What does the Senior Center need to do to improve its reputation? Need new building; new image; Re Branding - in more innovative ways. Meeting seniors in places not expecte. Community partnerships with like the Salem Athenaeum, YMCA for water aerobics; National Honor societies are looking to do community services; Partner with the explorers. How can the Senior Center draw in more men? A pool table; bowling; fishing; Speed dating was successful at Beverly If you were inviting a friend to participate in Senior Center what would you say in the invitation? Look at all the programs it offers; Find out what their needs are (for example if need fuel assistance); There has to be something for everybody. Mission and Vision The Board engaged in a lengthy discussion about the COA/Senior Center vision and mission. how it relates to the Jean Lesveque Community Live Center. The board agrees that calling the new senior center the Community Life Center makes a difference. Will there be a separation between the community and the seniors? Is the budget different? Is it an all in one budget? These questions have not been answered. The Mayor described her vision for the new center asWhere generations gather. The staff vision is A valued connected and fulfilled senior community. The Board suggested A valued connected and fulfilled community. Board members questions: Need to know what the building will be used for before a vision can be thought of. Will this building be used for childrens programs? Are seniors going to loose anything in this? Are their needs and services going to be pushed aside? The original plan for the new center was to be seniors during the day and after 3:00 pm all others were welcome to participate. Some members feel the center should be integrated for all ages. The lines should be invisible. The seniors will not loose their services because that is what the Council on Aging is and classes and other events should work out according to time available when people can attend. The staff of the senior center consists of six people. The Friends of the COA currently is defunct. Municipal, state federal funding not growing. Do we start charging fees to people that are not seniors? Response is yes. Provided there is enough space to put them in. Work on the vision for this center needs to be inspiring. Independence, advocacy, diversion and support. Community, valued, connected fulfilled. Where generations gather and verizons are expanded Where generations gather ad seniors are supported. Calling the building the Community Life Center is a way around getting away from the stigma of calling is the senior center. Who else should be invited to this discussion? The Mayor, Director of Parks and Recreation. Next Meeting: Next board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at time 6:00pm. No Meeting in July and August Vote to Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting @ 7:20 p.m. Motion approved. Regular meeting adjourns at 7:20 p.m.       PAGE  Board Minutes June 18 2014 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 1 -   !(1HSZ[\aejklopwº{sohohod`XTPohrDh5xhhH*hh[3? h@chs(hs(h hhX5h hhX5>*h_^5>*\h;Ry5>*\hm55>*\h h 5>*\h[3?5>*\h hk,5>*h@chhX5h@ch@5 hX 5 hhX5 hb5hbhhX5CJ$\aJ$hvUhhX5CJ$\aJ$h7+q5CJ$\aJ$!1Hkl  U V e  8^8gd6w8^8gd[3? h^`hgd6wgd6w8^8gd6w `'@]^gd[3? `'@@ ]^@ `gdhX$a$gd_^$a$gdhX |)gd7+q      " # ) I ` d q r & - < T U V e h q { | ֮֜퍅~zvnvhhH*hh[3? h5xh5xh&hs(\ hs(\h hs(5>*hueh6wCJaJ hueh6wh~h6wCJaJ h?SOh6wh?SOh6wCJaJhZh6wCJaJh6wCJaJ h6w\hRP}h6w5\h6whs( h@chs(h_^*      & / 0 5 k l m 1 3 T X g i »ˆ|xndhdV5;>*\ha?5;>*\hh v\hUw]hKqkh1hUw]h6w5\hUw]hs(5;\hUw]hs(5;>*\hUw]hJ5;>*\ h4@h4@hUw]hUw]\h[(hUw]5\ hUw]\ hM|5\h\hM|5;>*\hs( h@ch5xh[3?h5x$  m  88^8`gd^gdQT8^8gdI8^8gdg8^8gd@8^8gdugdI8^8gdAL ^ gd8^8gdUw]8^8gd6w h^h`gd4@ . z %EJNoq~!1<OPZcnop589S`¾ԮԦԦԢԒԖԊԊԆh(Ch.dhx6h*UhQTh[*hclhnOh#hBhfiahhq?hhWh5? h@\hghN hUw]\hIhUw]5;\hs(5;\hThs(5;\hThs(5;>*\4CDEFGH]^_.q}~>g   쌐쌐쌈수숀h|;NhEOhh6wh@hDJh[(hw 6hw hKChKC\ hKC\hKC5>*\h(5>*\hd~h(5>*\ hKC5\ h6w5\ h[(5\ hN 5\h/%hKCh,hjhhQT2DEFGH^_.q@U^gdKC & Fgd\gdKC8^8gdJT 88^8gdKC 1RW@BH^VW0NYz$68TU9CPRذؼؼhN-*hpI`hMh[(hi6hh)-hYh hcEh-Aih3hZh[(hw 6hhvI56\]hS@56\]h6whvIhxihy&hahDxhy&h[(5hRhO]h[(hr6h[(h[(hw 6h3ohfXhKChpI`6&0J!K!Z"[""^gdj^gd%Q^gdS@^gdvI^gda^gdVJ ^ gdfX^gdKC & Fgd\ h^h`gdKC4cdz|u / 0 L \ b o p q !J!K!L!!!!!!!!!!%"(")"Y"Z"["d"""""##X#Y#ṵhEOhhghh&}hJh[.-hjhlH!hy&hhqch3oh]h]kh_hoh*2hMh[(h:RRhS@56\]hS@h:RR56\]:""%#Y#Z###5$6$P$$$$$4%[%\%^%_%a%^gdl^gdKCgds(gdl^gdY^gd[.- gdKC^gd!^gdEO^gdjY#Z#####$$'$4$5$6$9$;$A$B$C$N$O$P$Q$d$e$}$$$$$$$$$}u}ng`Xhy&hs(\ hy&hu hy&hl hy&hhy&hYH* hy&hY hy&hq.. hy&hs( hy&5hlAhs(5;>*\h{V5>*\hy&5;>*\h{V5;>*\h#h5;\h6w5;\hiZ5;\hT5;\hKC5;\h!hb6hhy&hEOh$$$$$$$$$$$$$#%2%3%4%5%Q%S%U%V%[%\%]%_%`%b%c%e%f%h%i%k%l%n%û~vrvrvrvrd`d`h .jh .UmHnHuhjhUh(hs(hOhlhuhOGh'6hhy&hKC5\ hKC\ hKC5\ hs(5;hs(5;>*h>hs(5;>* h6w5 hiZ5 hT5hWh|)\hOhl56>*] hl\hy&hl\#a%b%d%e%g%h%j%k%m%n%w%x%y%%%%%%%%%%gds( !|)$d Nb$# gd6 [ &`#$gd "n%o%u%v%w%y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ܾtfb^Zh(hh6 [jh .UmHnHu3jh6 [h6 [CJOJQJUaJmHnHu*h6 [CJaJmHnHu**h6 [h6 [CJOJQJaJmHnHu*h6 [h6 [CJaJ%jh6 [h6 [CJOJQJUaJh6 [h6 [OJQJh6 [h6 [CJOJQJaJh . h .0Jjh .0JUB090P1h:pq/ =!"#$% Dp^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ eNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4@4 ,6Header  !4 @4 ,60Footer  !.)@. 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